Sans domicile fixe – contes animaliers
Soft cover
Pages: 176
ISBN : 978-2-491157-19-7
ISSN : 2649-8839
15,00 € TTC
Publisher: Editions Renaissens
Distributed by SODIS
Release date: December 29, 2021
Language: French

Author's biography

Maurice Bougerol was born and lives in the Allier near Montluçon, France. As a child, he ran through the meadows and the woods, never tired of observing animals and nature. His writing style, which could be described as poetic realism, transports the reader to the forests of Bourbonnais and to the heart of the thickets where the characters of his tales hide.
With an ability for extreme precision, Maurice describes the steps of the boar on the leaves, the exasperation of the fox that misses its prey, the small muzzle of the hedgehog that smells the atmosphere of the night..
After a career in industry, it is only at the age of fifty that Maurice, after suddenly losing the ability to see, began to write – a vital need to escape what he calls "his prison of darkness".

Cover design drawn by Amandine Lavalard, 19..


Once upon a time there were the animals of our forests… genuine homeless people. This hymn to nature, written as animal tales, is absolutely wonderful.
Before losing his sight, the author spent hours observing, day and night, with binoculars and a telephoto camera, the behavior of his characters: the boar, the hedgehog, the squirrel, the fox, the frog, the blackbird, the bee...
All share the same concerns: the search for a safe habitat and food, and the anxiety from predators.
In this world where nothing is static, these wild animals teach us about theirs fears, their joys, their behaviors, their responsibilities, and their difficulties.
This secret universe, which reveals itself through the pages, leads us to dive even more into questions around animal well-being and the preservation of our biodiversity.

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