Soft cover
Pages: 152
ISBN : 978-2-491157-14-2
ISSN : 2649-8839
15,00 € TTC
Publisher: Editions Renaissens
Distributed by SODIS
Release date: May 15, 2021
Language: French

Author's biography

Cécile Meslin loves Brittany, her work, and people. At 21, she became a state-certified nurse and worked for seven years in mental health before setting up her own private practice. She travelled for miles in her little candy pink Fiat, juggling between her patients, a husband she loves, and her children's homework. Time passes. She always has a smile and always this inexhaustible dynamism. Sometimes her back hurts her, but isn't it her mission to heal others? So she continues, until her body says "Stop! No More!" Operated in emergency because of a compression of her spinal cord, she narrowly escaped permanent paralysis. The cauda equina syndrome is the strange name of her disease whose poetic intonations conceal years of suffering. Writing allows Cécile to reconnect with her lifelong struggle: to ensure that differences are accepted.

The cover design was drawn b yThomas Croteau, 13.


A fulfilled wife, mother and liberal nurse, Pétronille’s wonderful life completely changes when she loses the ability to move her legs. She is forced to say goodbye to her former life as a fulfilled woman and dives into to a world of physical and moral suffering.
Like a lost traveler, she enters the rehabilitation center. To accept her situation, she invents the world of the "battered", navigating between the real, the imaginary and the absurd. Pâquerette, Charlie, Dr. Papillon, Pudubec’h… are significant encounters in this unplanned re-birth.
Pétronille reinvents herself with all her generosity, sincerity and derision in a novel that can be read in one breath.

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Bookstores: The book is registered on the bookseller's application of all booksellers in France. It can also be printed in the US, UK and Australia. 
