Soft cover
Pages: 176
ISBN : 978-2-491157-16-6
ISSN : 2649-8839
15,00 € TTC
Publisher: Editions Renaissens
Distributed by SODIS
Release date: July 5, 2021
Language: French

Author's biography

Hervé Dupont, an engineer, architect and urban planner, suffered in 2015 from an eye condition that partially deprived him of his sight. His discovery of the world of visually impaired and blind people inspired him to write this poetic and humorous tale. An avid follower of Alphonse Allais and René Goscinny, his imagination and sense of derision allow him to escape his posture “as a victim” in which people with disabilities are often confined to.


Gilles, a space traveler, is stranded on Alteria, a planet plunged in total darkness. A singular metaphor for blindness, this tale describes an evolved civilization, populated by benevolent beings and facetious characters. To ease his life in this other world, Alteria people teach Gilles the art of reading with his feet on the sidewalks and encourage him to sharpen his hearing abilities. Day, night and seasons do not exist on this planet, so they have a hard time to understand Gilles’ obsession with the passage of time.
Deprived of his ability to see, Gilles must learn to cope in this world without light – a herculean effort for the rational man he is. Will he be able to get used to this darkness that weighs upon his shoulders? And will he ever be able to understand the people of this planet?
A tale filled with fantasy and humor where the most unexpected situations never cease to stimulate the reader's curiosity.

Cover deisgn drawn by Ninon Janodet, 8,.

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