Note : due to geopolitical problems which should in no way discriminate our young illustrators, no information concerning names, nationalities, genders, specificities of each other is provided to the members of the jury. We also removed the age (the jury being warned of the age limit – 20 years old).
How do we choose the winning drawings Being an international competition, the jury is made up of ten members, only five of whom have French nationality. All, however, are familiar with the French book market and the French language. The jury chooses the drawing indicated by a letter of the alphabet according to its quality, its coherence with the story and the criterion "book cover" to attract the reader in the window of a bookstore.
Control: a video is requested from the winner and many questions are asked in the press kit. There is, therefore, no possibility of deception.
A few things to help you:
Saint-Malo – Brittany, France
Hereunder: a William Turner painting