Soft cover
Pages: 108
ISBN : 978-2-491157-22-7
ISSN : 2649-8839
10,99 € TTC
Publisher: Editions Renaissens
Distributed by SODIS
Release date: April 24, 2022
Language: French

Author's biography
Sandrine Lepetit's joie de vivre almost makes us forget the Usher syndrome she suffers from, a genetic disease that affects her hearing and sight.
Hard of hearing from early childhood, her vision problems appeared at the age of twenty. Preferring to ignore the evil that gnaws at her, she doesn't give up. She continues her job in accounting, will have three beautiful daughters and a husband she loves.
With seventy percent hearing loss and an extremely reduced visual field, the life of this mother is a daily struggle.

In this autobiographical story, Sandrine, deaf and partially sighted, prepares to go blind.
Terrified of falling in pitch black, she attempts to store thousands of images in her "brain's hard drive". More than anything, she dreads seeing the faces of her loved ones disappear. She then clings to the remnants of sight that she still enjoys: fragments of looks, smiles, colors... which help her to move forward.
This mother, long in denial, finally agrees to use a white cane, taking advantage of everything she can still discover, while waiting for the lights to run out.

The book cover was drawn by 19-year-old Siobhan Lim.

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Bookstores: The book is registered on the bookseller's application of all booksellers in France. It can also be printed in the US, UK and Australia. 
